Jack: The Dichotomy of the Owl

Dear Jack, Thank you for sharing your adventurous life with us. Liam, Charles, Jatinpal.   Freedom and wisdom aren’t the best of friends sometimes. With freedom, there is borne temptation for the ill. However when freedom presents itself as an opportunity to be oneself, wisdom whispers a different kind of temptation, a temptation to explore […]

Jack Lucky

This poem was written to commemorate the inspiring, memorable, and life-changing moments in Jack Lucky’s journey through youth and adulthood. It’s when your life takes a turn, Or when the dime takes a toss, And someone so meaningful to you gets sacrificed.   Then you realize life has passed you by – You begin to […]

Life’s Joys

This is in dedication for Jack(Lucky). A man whose life has been full of ecstasy and joy while life seemed to have passed him by. The laughs he shared as a youth fill the gaps in others to a point where the miseries of life are unseen at all. From whiskey to “ladies”- a life […]

Party Rat Jack

Party Rat Jack Dear Jack, thank you for sharing with me. You showed me that life can change in an instant,  even if it isn’t yours that changes.   Jack Lucky. Party Rat Jack. Glowing red passion that ignites the engine, An engine that runs off of theatre, cinematic masterpieces, But best of all, Jokes. Your […]