
For the wonderful Fritz, thank you.

About Him

An open man willing to share,

Ending visits with “Take care”.

Growing up in East Germany.

The sounds of the restaurant below quite busy.

Schooling in East & West Germany and Russia.

March of ’53 left with two friends illegally in a hustle.

Two marriages, five kids of his own,

Three he adopted in his home.


Three years of school to bake,

Leaving a legacy cake after cake.

With a dabble in marmalade

That doesn’t taste homemade.

World War II came and went

Leaving no food to make a cent.

Little chance to bake with little ingredients.

Upon arriving here, he was told he was inexperienced.

Hired in Edmonton to make some dough,

Impressing customers with skills of a pro.

Eventually fired from no misdemeanour,

unemployed for a week and hired by a regular.

Fun Facts

Walking with treetops

As a child, now those German

Trees are five stories.


Only twelve years old

Fingers stroking music keys

Still playing today.


A powerful man,

Met as an exchange student.

A man named Putin.


Careful with spending.

Not financially challenged

Throughout his whole life.


A book worthy life.

Told by the main character.

To be loved by all.


At home, he watched movies and images,

of life in Canada. Expecting one thing and

arriving to another. Mountains towering over

lively cities. Rivers carving paths through each.

The sky painting pictures of the seasons. Sunlight

lighting the land and shining on the people.

A jarring difference between ideals in pictures and

reality in person. As many lines are drawn between

people in Canada, as borders between places in Europe.

So much unnecessary space on the land that a train

from Montreal to Winnipeg takes days and a half to arrive.

A struggle for food on the train yet the Quebecois’s and Manitobans’

supply was plentiful. Required to learn English while making a

living. Straining night after night for a year and a half.

One solace being music. A piano bought for a hefty sum.

Stored and refurbished in his family’s house for a little bit more.


Thank you again, Fritz, for sharing your story with us.

Sydney and Oba


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