Dear Aurora

Dear Aurora Cruz

by Alyna and Sarah 


Smile constantly plastered on your face.

Thinking back on all the good things.

Remembering the little faces smiling at you,

While you are teaching them all the joys of life. 

Patience and love as you think of life and what it has blessed you with. 

Blessed with 20 years of marriage and counting with every May 9th that passes,

With 10 siblings to grow up loving and caring for,

Children to love and be their everything as they’re growing up. 

Blessed with everything, 

And happy about everything. 

“Home sweet home” is back in the Philippines, yet you find yourself happy here. 

Where everyone can be a phone call away, and those mean more than anything. 

Talking to your children, your husband, and anyone back home.

Spending your days sewing, 


listening to music, 


Remembering all that you’ve been experienced 

Everything has been good to you and you have been good to everything. 

A soul as kind as can be. 

A person as friendly as can be. 

A wife as committed as can be.

A mother as loving as can be. 

A daughter as sweet as can be. 

A sibling as fun as can be. 

A teacher as caring as can be. 

And with all the things you can be, you are all and do all of them beautifully.


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